The development of ASEAN rail transit has allowed ASEAN to build closer economic ties, and these projects have injected new impetus into the modernization process of the region. Based on this background, “The 4th ASEAN Rail Summit 2025”?will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia?from January 9 to 10, 2025, and welcome to attend to discuss and witness the construction and development of the ASEAN rail transit industry.
一、【Organizational Structure/大會組委會】
二、【General Conference Overview/大會議程】
Morning Development of ASEAN Rail?Market under Globalization
Afternoon Digital Technology Driving the?Construction of Rail Transit Projects
Morning Cross-border Project Planning,?Standardization as the Foundation, Investment &?Financing Opportunities Expansion
Afternoon Digitization Empowers Intelligent?Operations and Efficient Maintenance
三、【Part of Confirmed Speakers/確認發言嘉賓陣容】
四、【Hot Topics / 熱點議題】
Interconnection and Interoperability: Global Rail Transit Market Status and Development Prospects
In-Depth Analysis of Malaysia’s Rail Transit Network: Project Layout and Future Growth
(3)經營地鐵,服務城市——深圳地鐵可持續發展 創新實踐與探索
Operating Metro Services for the City: Innovative Practices and Explorations in the Sustainable Development of Shenzhen Metro
Transforming Rail Training with Learning Technologies
Introduction to ASEAN Railway Network Interoperability and Harmonization
Outlook on Indonesia’s Railway and Urban Rail Transit Market
Deepening ASEAN Standardization Cooperation: Interconnection and Interoperability Strategies from a Global Perspective
Exploration and Practice of Vietnam`s Rail Transit Standardization Construction
Harnessing Technological Advancements to Strengthen Business Partnerships
Application, Standardization and Indushtrializatiation of? Fine Design+Direct Expansion+Control by Subway air conditioning energy-saving system in Nanning Metro
YGC—50 Years for Railway Connection Technology
Korean development Experiences & Case studies for Digitalization
Smart Rail Development in Taiwan
The role of MARIC towards local empowerment, innovation and competitiveness
Enhancing Maintenance Philosophy Towards Engineering & Operational Excellence
Commercialization of Whoosh
Modernizing the Philippine National Railways for Sustainable Growth
Signalling Interfaces: The Key to Achieving Seamless Railway Operations in the Southeast Asian Region
ASEAN Rail Transit’s New Blueprint: Planning Coordination, Standardization, and Investment & Financing Innovation
Pay with your face:Train Ticketing for the future
Optimization of maintenance regime by DB
Enhancing capacity and reliability of the rail system through smarter operations
Smart and Multi-optional Decision-making Tools as a Must for More Resilient Rail Strategic Planning and as a way to Fast-track Financing
Impact of High-Speed Rail on territories
Digital Transformation in Railways The Next Development in ASEAN
五、【ASEAN RAIL AWARDS 2025 / 亞軌獎】
六、【Speak/Register/Media cooperation/Sponsorship cooperation 發言/參會/媒體合作/贊助合作】
Official Website of the Summit:
T:(+86 21)6095 7202
M:(+86)175 1049 7500(VX同號)
E-mail: ona.wen@shine-consultant.com
近日,高德地圖聯合國家信息中心大數據發展部、清華大學土木水利學院、同濟大學智能交通運輸系統(ITS)研究中心、未來交通與城市計算聯合實驗室等機構共同發布《2024中國主要城市交通分析報告》(簡稱《報告》)。報告顯示,蘭州、合肥、濟南公共交通出行幸福指數領先,北京、上海、深圳綠色出行意愿指數位列前三。 公共交通出行幸福指數:蘭州、合肥、深圳領先 報告基于所監測的主要城市的公共交通數據,對城市公共交通的運行效率、可靠性以及用戶出行體驗進行了全面分析。數據顯示,蘭州市、合肥市、深圳市在公共交通出行幸福指數方面表現突出,分別位列大中城市、特大城市和超大城市的首位。蘭州市的公共交通出行幸福指數最高,達到81.48%,顯示出其公共交通系統的高效性和可靠性。 從換乘系數來看,2024年期間,城市公共交通平均換乘系數整體同比去年呈持平或下降趨勢。東莞市、沈陽市、海口市的公交換乘系數分別在超大、特大、中大城市中最小,顯示出這些城市在公共交通系統設計上的便捷性。而在公交運行效率方面,臺州市城市核心區內的高峰期“社會車輛-公交車速度比”最小,小汽車速度是公交的1.95倍,顯示出其公共交通出行用戶體感良好。常州市的“全市全天線路運營速度...